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Hosted by WOBI in major global cities, World Business Forum is
the ultimate summit for visionaries and top-tier leadership.




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APAC & the

Global Economy




Creatividad - Cirque

du Soleil


Generative AI




Author, Philanthropist, Education Advocate and Former #1 Ranked Tennis Player and Multi Grand Slam Champion

Widely regarded as one of the greatest tennis players in history, Andre Agassi amassed an impressive record of 60 men’s singles titles, which included capturing eight Grand Slam championships, during his illustrious 20-year career. A former world no.1, Agassi went on to etch his name in the annals of tennis history by becoming the first male player ever to achieve the remarkable feat of winning all four Grand Slam titles and an Olympic gold medal in a single year. He was also a member of three winning Davis Cup teams in 1990, 1992 and 1995. 

Agassi also was notable for the charitable ventures he undertook, including the founding of the Andre Agassi Foundation (1994) to aid at-risk children. This foundation has played a pivotal role in education reform, raising an impressive sum of over $180 million. His highly acclaimed autobiography, Open, was published in 2009 and it soared to the number one spot on the New York Times bestseller list. In recognition of his contributions to the sport, Agassi was rightfully inducted into the International Tennis Hall of Fame in 2011.

Uno de los pensadores de management más influyentes del mundo

Gary Hamel es uno de los pensadores empresariales más influyentes del mundo y ha liderado la transformación de algunas de las compañías más destacadas, contribuyendo a la creación de miles de millones de dólares en valor para los accionistas. Durante más de cuatro décadas, Hamel ha formado parte del cuerpo docente de la London Business School y es el director del Management Lab. Hamel es autor de libros innovadores fundamentales como Compitiendo por el futuro, The Future of Management y Humanocracy: Creating Organisations as Amazing as the People Inside Them. 

El Wall Street Journal ha clasificado a Hamel como el pensador empresarial más influyente del mundo, y la revista Fortune lo ha llamado "el principal experto mundial en estrategia empresarial”.

Prime Minister of New Zealand (2017-2023) Senior Fellow, Harvard University

The Rt. Hon. Dame Jacinda Ardern became the Prime Minister of New Zealand at just 37 years of age. During her time in office she faced the challenges of a live streamed domestic terror attack against New Zealand’s Muslim community, a volcanic eruption and the COVID 19 pandemic. Ms Ardern’s focus on people, kindness and what she has called “pragmatic idealism” saw New Zealand achieve some of the lowest losses of life experienced by any developed nation through the pandemic, the ban of military style semi-automatic weapons in her country, and the creation of the Christchurch Call to Action to eliminate violent extremism online, which Ms Ardern continues to hold the role of Special Envoy. 

Ms Ardern is a champion of women’s empowerment. While in office, New Zealand reached 50 percent representation of women in parliament, and on government appointed boards. She decriminalised abortion, improved pay equity laws and extended paid parental leave to 6 months – all while being only the second woman in the world to have a baby while leading her country.  Ms Ardern is a passionate advocate on climate action and is a board member of The Earthshot Prize, focusing on solutions to climate change and environmental issues.

Renombrado economista y profesor emérito en Stern School of Business

An expert in global economy and Professor Emeritus of Economics at the Stern School of Business at New York University, Nouriel Roubini, is the CEO of Roubini Macro Associates, and Chief Economist for Atlas Capital Team. He served as the Senior Economist for International Affairs on the White House Council of Economic Advisors.

A renowned economist, Roubini was nicknamed “Dr. Doom” in 2006, until his prediction of the 2008 Great Recession came true. In his most recent book, MegaThreats, Roubini is back with a much scarier prediction that involves climate, economics and politics. The author cautions that regaining our rationality could potentially help us avoid these issues, but emphasizes that immediate action is crucial.

Founder and President of Inspired Companies and former Vice President of Nike’s Access to Sport

Lisa MacCallum is an internationally recognised business and thought leader specialising in how to build resilient, distinctive, purpose-driven companies. Author of the widely celebrated book Inspired INC: Become a Company the World Will Get Behind, she advises leading brands in long-term strategy, consumer positioning and business turnarounds. As a Vice President at Nike’s Access to Sport, she led Nike USA’s Growth Strategy, the Nike Foundation and Nike’s Global Community Impact efforts. MacCallum is now Founder and President of Inspired Companies, where she helps organisations navigate the accelerating pace and complexity of the 21st Century marketplace.

Director Creativo del Grupo Cityneon y ex Director Creativo Ejecutivo del Cirque du Soleil

Visionario productor artístico creativo con más de 25 años de experiencia, Welby Altidor es el Group Chief Creative Officer de Cityneon, líder mundial en la creación y producción de experiencias inmersivas con socios como The Walt Disney Company y Universal Studios. Altidor fue Director Creativo Ejecutivo de Creaciones en el Cirque du Soleil, donde encabezó la creación de espectáculos tan conocidos como Luzia y Michael Jackson ONE. Luzia y Michael Jackson ONE. 

Su ambición y sus ideas innovadoras le han valido a él y a su equipo de diseño de VHE un récord Guinness por concebir el mayor juego de tiro con arco interactivo con pantalla táctil para Los Juegos del Hambre: The Exhibition. Sus aportaciones artísticas y su diseño creativo han propiciado la venta de más de 80 millones de entradas para espectáculos interactivos, eventos y exposiciones inmersivas a escala mundial. Altidor es también autor de Creative Courage. Creative Courage.

Expert in AI, Quantum Computing and Next-Gen Tech, CEO and Founder of Ribo AI and XLabs

A personification of tech-savvy leadership, Dr. Radhika Dirks is an entrepreneur and advisor specialized in Artificial Intelligence and Quantum computing. Named by Forbes as one of the Women in AI to Watch, Dr. Dirks is the Founder and CEO of XLabs AI and Ribo, both AI-driven companies. Entrepreneur and advisor, her expertise has earned her a spot among Deloitte’s top women in the AI world. Dirks claims that Artificial Intelligence has the potential to unlock a modern-day Renaissance by expanding and diversifying human capabilities to previously unimaginable extents.

Director de estrategia en Wieden+Kennedy y profesor de Marketing en Ross School of Business

Marcus Collins es experto en marketing, transmisión cultural, estrategia de marca y comportamiento del consumidor. Es director de estrategia en Wieden+Kennedy New York y profesor de Marketing en la Ross School of Business de la Universidad de Michigan. Además, Collins trabajó como director de estrategia digital para Beyoncé.

Su aclamado libro For The Culture: The Power Behind What We Buy, What We Do, and Who We Want to Be analiza la influencia de la cultura en el consumo y revela las pautas para influir en el comportamiento del consumidor. Collins ha recibido los premios 40 Under 40 de Advertising Age y Crain's Business 40 Under 40. Recientemente se ha incorporado al Advertising Hall of Achievement de American Advertising Federation.


Organizado por WOBI en todo el mundo, el World Business Forum reúne a miles de directivos para aprender de líderes mundiales del pensamiento empresarial.

El Forum se centra en los temas de gestión más relevantes para los líderes empresariales de hoy, que se enfrentan al reto de dirigir sus equipos y organizaciones.


Eleva tu liderazgo


 Aprenda de reconocidos líderes y expertos

Aborde los retos de liderazgo claves de la actualidad


Impulse su organización

Ideas transformadoras y la inspiración para hacerlas realidad


Expanda su red de contactos

¡Más de 1.500 líderes y responsables en la toma de decisiones!





Amplía tu visión estratégica de la mano de otros líderes y visionariosAdquiere ideas e insights para impulsar tus habilidades interpersonalesConecta con otros pioneros que estén revolucionando los mercados y redefiniendo las normas del sector


empresas participantes

asistentes a nivel global


Of Delegates Recomended It



Posicione su marca en la cima de la innovación empresarial

Impulse su marca

Posicionamiento, notoriedad y visibilidad de marca

Descubra estrategias innovadoras

Oportunidades de crecimiento únicas

Conviértase en referencia

Posicionamiento como líder en su área

Genere nuevos contactos

Acceda a una red exclusiva de más de 1500 directivos

Visibilidad de marca destacada

Su marca en ubicaciones estratégicas

Eventos VIP

Veladas exclusivas para sus invitados

Acceso exclusivo

Sesiones in-company con expertos destacados

Puntos de networking

Activaciones en zonas de alto tránsito

Espacio de exposición

Visibilidad de marca con espacio de exposición exclusivo

Pases corporativos VIP

Paquetes de pases corporativos para su equipo

Vídeo destacado

Momento de impacto para su marca


CEO Visibility

Modere la sesión de Q&A de uno de los speakers destacados


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Academic Partner

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