Chris Gardner the key to the success
Chris Gardner is an entrepreneur, author, philanthropist, and single parent whose work has been recognized by many esteemed organizations around the world. He is the author of two bestselling books, The Pursuit of Happyness e Start Where You Are: Life Lessons in Getting from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be.
Gardner was an executive producer on the iconic and critically acclaimed film adaptation of The Pursuit of Happyness starring Will Smith. Through his positivity, courage, tenacity, discipline and common sense, Gardner’s story is one of overcoming setbacks and hardship to become a top earner on Wall Street before founding his own brokerage.
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Pensatore aziendale e innovatore manageriale di fama mondiale
Gary Hamel è uno dei più influenti e visionari business thinker del mondo, che ha guidato le iniziative di trasformazione di alcune delle più importanti aziende del mondo, contribuendo a creare miliardi di dollari di valore per gli azionisti. Per oltre quarant'anni, Hamel ha lavorato nella facoltà della London Business School ed è direttore del Management Lab. Hamel è autore di libri di riferimento come Competing for the Future, The Future of Management e Humanocracy: Creating Organizations as Amazing as the People Inside Them.
Il Wall Street Journal ha classificato Hamel come il business thinker più influente al mondo e la rivista Fortune lo ha definito "il principale esperto di strategia aziendale al mondo".
Leader all'avanguardia ed ex CEO di AT&T Business
Anne Chow is a pioneering figure in the enterprise world, with a remarkable career spanning more than 30 years. She was the first woman of color CEO in AT&T’s 140+ year history, overseeing AT&T Business, a global operating unit with a workforce of 35,000 and a value of $35 billion.
Chow is currently Lead Director on the Board of Directors of FranklinCovey and also serves on the Board of Directors of 3M. Additionally, she is an Adjunct Professor of Executive Education at Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management.
She has been widely recognized for her role model inclusive leadership, driving success at the intersection of people, culture, and technology. She has been named to Fortune’s Most Powerful Women in Business twice, Forbes inaugural CEO Next List of Leaders set to revolutionize American business, and Light Reading’s Most Inspiring Woman in Communications.
Ex direttore della CIA e generale dell'esercito americano
General David H. Petraeus is a pivotal figure in modern U.S. military history. His illustrious military career spanned over 37 years and included six command roles, five of which were during combat. Notably, Petraeus is recognized for orchestrating the “Surge” in Iraq, halting the Taliban’s advance in Afghanistan, and reshaping American military doctrine with comprehensive civil-military counterinsurgency campaigns. Often paralleled to eminent military leaders like Ulysses S. Grant and Dwight D. Eisenhower, Petraeus stands out as one of America’s “great battle captains.” A graduate with distinction from the United States Military Academy, General Petraeus is the only person in U.S. Army history to be the top graduate in both the U.S. Army’s challenging Ranger School and the year-long U.S. Army Command and General Staff College course.
Post-military, he steered the CIA, amplifying global counterterrorism efforts, expanding intelligence outreach, and instituting a strategic agency blueprint. His leadership at the CIA also saw the inception of an Economic Security Center. Petraeus has been lauded with a plethora of U.S. military and international accolades and has been honored by 14 foreign nations. Transitioning to the private sector, he currently holds positions as a Partner at KKR, chairman of the KKR Global Institute, and the Kissinger Fellow at Yale University. His scholarly endeavors also include co-authoring the bestseller, “Conflict: The Evolution of Warfare from 1945 to Ukraine.”
Uno dei più grandi registi e cineasti di tutti i tempi
Uno dei più grandi registi e cineasti di tutti i tempi Considerato uno dei più grandi registi di tutti i tempi, Francis Ford Coppola ha realizzato tra i suoi film più importanti la trilogia del Padrino e Apocalypse Now. Il successo di Coppola come regista e cineasta gli è valso diverse nomination e premi, tra cui BAFTA e Academy Awards.
Il suo lavoro, tuttavia, si espande al di fuori di Hollywood, avendo intrapreso iniziative nel settore del vino e dell'ospitalità. Coppola è il creatore del marchio di lifestyle Francis Ford Coppola Presents, che comprende film, video, resort, caffè e un'azienda vinicola in tutta la California, compresi Guatemala e Belize.
Attualmente sta lavorando al suo prossimo film autofinanziato Megalopolis.
Stephen M. R. Covey is the bestselling author of The SPEED of Trust: The One Thing That Changes Everything. È l' Ex CEO del Covey Leadership Center che, sotto la sua guida, è diventato la più grande azienda di leadership al mondo. Covey ha personalmente ideato la strategia che ha portato il libro di suo padre, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, to become one of the two most influential business books of the 20th Century, according to CEO Magazine. His latest book is titled Trust and Inspire: How Truly Great Leaders Unleash Greatness in Others.
Ex presidente di Tesla
Leader visionario e imprenditore seriale, Jon McNeill insegna alle organizzazioni come scalare esponenzialmente le aziende e guidare un'innovazione dirompente. In qualità di ex presidente di Tesla, ha supervisionato un aumento delle vendite di 10 volte da 2 a 20 miliardi di dollari in soli tre anni. Nel 2018 è diventato COO del pioniere del ride-sharing Lyft, dove ha contribuito a preparare l'azienda alla quotazione in borsa, facendo crescere il fatturato da 800 milioni di dollari a 2 miliardi di dollari.
Attualmente Jon è amministratore delegato di DVx Ventures, una piattaforma di venture growth-stage, e fa parte di diversi consigli di amministrazione di aziende tra cui General Motors, Lululemon e Stash Financial.
Professoressa della Columbia Business School e autorità in materia di performance organizzativa e diversity
Modupe Akinola è una delle massime autorità in materia di performance organizzativa e diversity ed è Associate Professor di management alla Columbia Business School. Le sue ricerche su stress e discriminazione sono state pubblicate in numerose riviste accademiche e media, tra cui il New York Times, Forbes e The Economist. Akinola ha ricevuto diversi riconoscimenti, tra cui il Rising Star Award dell'Association for Psychological Science e il Best Paper Award dell'Academy of Management Journal.
È consulente di leader in materia di gestione dello stress, diversità, equità, iniziative di inclusione e leadership femminile. Prima di diventare accademica, Akinola è stata responsabile della diversità presso Bain & Co. dove ha contribuito alla creazione di un quadro di recruitment e retention delle persone di colore. Ha conseguito il dottorato di ricerca in Organizational Behavior ad Harvard.
Authority on Psychological Safety and Professor of Leadership and Management at Harvard Business School
Amy Edmondson is a Novartis Professor of Leadership and Management at Harvard Business School. An authority on Psychological Safety, Edmondson has been consistently ranked as the #1 Management Thinker in the world over the past 4 years. Her research focuses on the fields of teaming, psychological safety, and leadership, having penned over 70 articles and case studies on these topics. Her work on leadership, teams, innovation, and organizational learning has earned her various accolades. Among them are the Accenture Award for her notable contribution to management practices, and a recognition by HR Magazine as one of the 20 Most Influential International Thinkers in Human Resources.
She is the author of bestselling books, including The Fearless Organization, e Right Kind of Wrong.
Professor of Marketing at NYU Stern School of Business
Named by Poets & Quants as one of the world’s top business professors, Scott Galloway is an entrepreneur and Professor of Marketing at NYU’s Stern School of Business. Galloway has founded prominent companies such as Prophet, Red Envelope, L2, and Section4. Furthermore, Galloway has been a board member for organizations like The New York Times Company and Urban Outfitters.
A New York Times-bestselling author, Galloway’s most notable books include The Four, The Algebra of Happiness, e Post Corona. His latest book Adrift: America in 100 Charts debuted on the New York Times bestseller list in October 2022.